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Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Library

Cambridge University Press eBook Titles

1 Electronic andPhotoelectron Spectroscopy 2005 9781139165037 Ellis/Feher/Wright NANOTECHNOLOGY View
2 UrbanClimates 2017 9781139016476 Okeet al EARTHAND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES View
3 Advancesin Economics and Econometrics 2013 9781139060035 Acemoglu/Arellano/Dekel ECONOMICS View
4 AnIntroduction to the Advanced Theory and Practice of NonparametricEconometrics 2019 9781108649841 Racine STATISTICS View
5 Corruptionand Development in Indian Economy 2017 9781316591369 Mitra/Sharma ECONOMICS View
6 EconomicReform in India 2013 9781139096638 Hopeet al ECONOMICS View
7 GlobalValue Chains and Development 2018 9781108559423 Gereffi ECONOMICS View
8 Innovationin India 2014 9781139794640 Ramani ECONOMICS View
9 PatentMarkets in the Global Knowledge Economy 2014 9781107110960 Madiès/Guellec/Prager ECONOMICS View
10 RandomSets in Econometrics 2018 9781316392973 Molchanov/Molinari ECONOMICS View
11 RevivingGrowth in India 2015 9781316106631 Agrawal ECONOMICS View
12 Successin Agricultural Transformation 2012 9781139003759 Tsakok ECONOMICS View
13 CarbonNanotube and Graphene Device Physics 2010 9780511778124 Wong/Akinwande NANOTECHNOLOGY View
14 Fundamentalsand Applications of Micro- and Nanofibers 2014 9781107446830 Yarin/Pourdeyhimi/Ramakrishna NANOTECHNOLOGY View
15 Fundamentals,Properties, and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites 2017 9781139342766 Koo NANOTECHNOLOGY View
16 SamplingTheory 2014 9780511762321 Eldar STATISTICS View
17 SpectrumManagement 2015 9781316145708 Cave/Webb NANOTECHNOLOGY View
18 ThinFilm Materials 2004 9780511754715 Freund/Suresh NANOTECHNOLOGY View
19 AHistory of the Future 2017 9781316563045 Bowler HISTORY View
20 Babur 2018 9781316227558 Dale HISTORY View
21 Brands,Geographical Origin, and the Global Economy 2018 9781139507059 Higgins HISTORY View
22 Devotionand Dissent in Indian History 2014 9789384463090 Ramaswamy HISTORY View
23 FortifiedCities of Ancient India 2014 9780857283412 Schlingloff HISTORY View
24 HowIndia Became Democratic 2017 9781107705722 Shani HISTORY View
25 IslamicReform in South Asia 2014 9781139382786 Osella/Osella HISTORY View
26 Landscape,Culture, and Belonging 2019 9781108686716 Bhattacharya/Pachuau HISTORY View
27 Manuscripts,Memory and History 2014 9789382993629 Rajesh HISTORY View
28 MuslimBelonging in Secular India 2015 9781316154953 Sherman HISTORY View
29 NomadicNarratives 2016 9781139946186 Kothiyal HISTORY View
30 Philosophers,Sufis, and Caliphs 2017 9781316855669 Akhtar HISTORY View
31 The1857 Indian Uprising and the British Empire 2016 9781316471463 Bender HISTORY View
32 TheRise of the Global Company 2015 9781139029209 Fitzgerald HISTORY View
33 IntroducingLanguage and Cognition 2017 9781316591505 SharwoodSmith ENGLISH View
34 Irony 2018 9781316136218 Garmendia ENGLISH View
35 Metaphorsin the Mind 2019 9781108241441 Littlemore ENGLISH View
36 SystemicFunctional Linguistics 2013 9781139583077 Fontaine/Bartlett/O'Grady ENGLISH View
37 TheCambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research 2015 9781139649414 Granger/Gilquin/Meunier ENGLISH View
38 TheCambridge Handbook of Stylistics 2015 9781139237031 Stockwell/Whiteley ENGLISH View
39 Varietiesof English 2013 9781139028240 Siemund ENGLISH View
40 Crimewithout Punishment 2018 9781108686679 Friedman LAW View
41 CriminalCopyright 2018 9781108241342 Haber LAW View
42 CriminalizingChildren 2017 9781316535028 McCallum LAW View
43 Criminologyand the Criminal Justice System 2018 9781780686059 Fijnaut LAW View
44 DrugControl and Human Rights in International Law 2017 9781316759707 Lines/Schabas LAW View
45 Fairnessin Criminal Justice 2018 9781108625777 Elias LAW View
46 Lawand Language 2013 9781139519717 Berman/Witte,Jr/Várady ENGLISH View
47 TheWTO Agreements 2017 9781108529471 WorldTrade Organization INTERNATIONALBUSINESS View
48 WTODomestic Regulation and Services Trade 2014 9781107476448 Lim/DeMeester INTERNATIONALBUSINESS View
49 AirportCompetitivness 2015 9788323393801 Bednarczyk/Grabińska MANAGEMENT View
50 Analyticsfor Leaders 2013 9781107053779 Fisher MANAGEMENT View
51 ClimateChange, Capitalism, and Corporations 2015 9781139939676 Wright/Nyberg MANAGEMENT View
52 CreatingGlobal Opportunities 2014 9781139795340 Jephson/Morgen MANAGEMENT View
53 CulturalEntrepreneurship 2019 9781108539487 Lounsbury/Glynn MANAGEMENT View
54 Dynamicsof International Business: Asia-Pacific Business Cases 2013 9781107282278 Ramburuth/Stringer/Serapio MANAGEMENT View
55 HumanCapital and Global Business Strategy 2014 9781139519380 Thomas/Smith/Diez MANAGEMENT View
56 LeadershipStudies and the Desire for Shared Agreement 2019 9781108758482 Amaladas MANAGEMENT View
57 ManagingOpen Innovation in SMEs 2017 9781139680981 Vanhaverbeke MANAGEMENT View
58 NavigatingGlobal Business 2017 9781316107034 Ronen/Shenkar MANAGEMENT View
59 StrategicCustomer Management 2013 9781139057417 Payne/Frow MANAGEMENT View
60 TheBusiness School in the Twenty-First Century 2013 9781139012119 Thomas/Lorange/Sheth MANAGEMENT View
61 ACourse in Mathematical Analysis 2013 9781139424493 Garling MATHEMATICS View
62 AFirst Course in Functional Analysis 2013 9780857282224 Sen MATHEMATICS View
63 AShort Course in Differential Topology 2018 9781108349130 Dundas MATHEMATICS View
64 AnIntroduction to the Theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces 2016 9781316219232 Paulsen/Raghupathi MATHEMATICS View
65 BanachAlgebras and the General Theory of *-Algebras 1994 9781107325777 Palmer MATHEMATICS View
66 CommutativeAlgebra 1983 9781107325517 Sharp MATHEMATICS View
67 Convergenceof One-Parameter Operator Semigroups 2016 9781316480663 Bobrowski MATHEMATICS View
68 CoxRings 2014 9781139175852 Arzhantsevet al MATHEMATICS View
69 DifferentialTopology 2016 9781316597835 Wall MATHEMATICS View
70 FiniteGroup Algebras and their Modules 1983 9781107325524 Landrock MATHEMATICS View
71 FourierAnalysis 1988 9781107049949 Körner MATHEMATICS View
72 FourierAnalysis and Partial Differential Equations 2001 9780511623745 Iorio,Jr/Iorio MATHEMATICS View
73 Introductionto Operator Space Theory 2003 9781107360235 Pisier MATHEMATICS View
74 MathematicalAnalysis 1982 9781139171656 Binmore MATHEMATICS View
75 NumericalRanges of Operators on Normed Spaces and of Elements of Normed Algebras 1971 9781107359895 Bonsall/Duncan MATHEMATICS View
76 Probability 2014 9781107282032 McKean STATISTICS View
77 Quasi-HopfAlgebras 2019 9781108582780 Bulacuet al MATHEMATICS View
78 Semigroupsof Linear Operators 2019 9781108672641 Applebaum MATHEMATICS View
79 SpectralTheory and its Applications 2013 9781139505727 Helffer MATHEMATICS View
80 SyntheticDifferential Topology 2018 9781108553490 Bunge/Gago/SanLuis MATHEMATICS View
81 Vectors,Pure and Applied 2013 9781139520034 Körner MATHEMATICS View
82 VolterraIntegral Equations 2017 9781316162491 Brunner MATHEMATICS View
83 AnIntroduction to Political Philosophy 2006 9780511801273 Bird PHILOSOPHY View
84 BayesianProbability Theory 2014 9781139565608 Linden/Dose/Toussaint STATISTICS View
85 OpticalProcesses in Solids 2003 9780511615085 Toyozawa NANOTECHNOLOGY View
86 PhaseTransitions in Materials 2014 9781107589865 Fultz NANOTECHNOLOGY View
87 Phononsin Nanostructures 2001 9780511534898 Stroscio/Dutta NANOTECHNOLOGY View
88 ScanningProbe Microscopy and Spectroscopy 1994 9780511524356 Wiesendanger NANOTECHNOLOGY View
89 Capitalism,Inequality and Labour in India 2019 9781108687485 Breman POLITICALSCIENCE View
90 Class,Politics, and Agrarian Policies in Post-liberalisation India 2019 9781108236201 DasGupta POLITICALSCIENCE View
91 CulturalBacklash 2019 9781108595841 Norris/Inglehart POLITICALSCIENCE View
92 DevelopmentalStates 2018 9781108552738 Haggard POLITICALSCIENCE View
93 GlobalizingIndia 2016 9781316480540 Sinha COMMERCE View
94 GlobalizingOil 2013 9781107323643 Hughes COMMERCE View
95 MakingCars in the New India 2018 9781108380836 Barnes COMMERCE View
96 Stateand Capital in Independent India 2016 9781316182505 DasGupta POLITICSAND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS View
97 TheIndian Economy in Transition 2015 9781139879309 Chakrabarti/Dhar/Dasgupta ECONOMICS View
98 Ismailismand Islam in Modern South Asia 2017 9781316650479 Mukherjee HISTORY View
99 CorporateSocial Responsibility in a Globalizing World 2015 9781316162354 Tsutsui/Lim INTERNATIONALBUSINESS View
100 AFirst Course in Statistical Programming with R 2016 9781316451090 Braun/Murdoch STATISTICS View
101 Analysisof Multivariate and High-Dimensional Data 2014 9781139025805 Koch STATISTICS View
102 ComputerAge Statistical Inference 2016 9781316576533 Efron/Hastie STATISTICS View
103 CoreStatistics 2015 9781107741973 Wood STATISTICS View
104 FinancialAnalytics with R 2016 9781316584460 Bennett/Hugen STATISTICS View
105 Fundamentalsof Nonparametric Bayesian Inference 2017 9781139029834 Ghosal/vander Vaart STATISTICS View
106 High-DimensionalStatistics 2019 9781108627771 Wainwright STATISTICS View
107 NumericalAnalysis Using R 2016 9781316336069 Griffiths STATISTICS View
108 Probabilityfor Finance 2014 9781139035026 Kopp/Malczak/Zastawniak STATISTICS View
109 Probabilityon Graphs 2018 9781108528986 Grimmett STATISTICS View
110 Probabilityon Trees and Networks 2017 9781316672815 Lyons/Peres STATISTICS View
111 RandomGraphs and Complex Networks 2017 9781316779422 Hofstad STATISTICS View
112 StatisticalModelling by Exponential Families 2019 9781108604574 Sundberg STATISTICS View