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Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Library

Rules And Regulations

General Rules

  • Please obtain your Borrowers Register, while entering and return it, while leaving the Library.

  • Printed materials should not be brought inside the Library. They may be deposited at the property counter.

  • Books must not be misplaced / replaced on the shelves.

  • Books / Periodicals are to be borrowed by the Students and Research Scholars on their tickets in person

  • Books borrowed will not be renewed to the same borrower.

  • Books marked not for Loan / Reference / Text Collection will not be issued.

  • The Librarian may recall any book from the borrower at any time even before the due date under exigencies.

  • Please check the book for missing pages before borrowing. Please do not borrow defective books. The last borrower will be held responsible for the defects found at the time of return of books. Attention of the Circulation In-charge may be called to any defects found.

  • Please note the Accession Number of the book and your initial with date against each entry in the borrowers register whenever books are borrowed / returned. Please also note the ticket number on the date label when the book is borrowed. It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the counter staff duly signs in their respective columns of the borrowers register in token of issue and return of books.

  • Books / Periodicals shall be returned on or before the due date indicated on the date label. Overdue charges will be collected at twenty-five paisa per day on each book / periodical returned after the due date up to one month. The intervening holidays up to one month will not be reckoned for calculating overdue charges. Rs.20/- will be levied as penalty for the books returned after one month.

  • After the second month the cost of the book / periodical or Rs.50/- whichever is higher will be levied as maximum penalty.

  • In calculating the fines, university holidays, as distinct from vacations and the days on which issue and return of books are not allowed by the Library, will be excluded.

  • Whenever a borrower fails to return any book within calendar month from the due date, his borrowing privilege even on his other tickets will be suspended.

  • If the book / periodical is not returned within two calendar months from the due date, the cost of the book or Rs.50/- whichever is higher will be levied as penalty.

  • Borrowers seeking exemption from payment of the cost of the book as penalty are required to submit an application through the Head of the Department to the Librarian stating the reasons for the delay. The Librarian with his remarks will forward the application for the Vice-Chancellors decision

  • However, whenever a student or a member of the Library is leaving the institution, the Librarian is authorized to issue ‘No Dues Certificate’ by collecting the Maximum Penalty Rs.50/- on recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned.

  • Duplicate NO DUES certificate will be issued on payment of Rs.10/-

  • Loss of Library tickets should be reported immediately in writing. Duplicate tickets will be issued only four weeks after the report, on receipt of the replacement cost @ Rs.20/- per ticket.

  • For loss of ticket Rs.10/- will be collected at the time of giving ˜No Dues certificate.

  • The Library will be kept open during vacation. Before leaving the headquarters for vacation, please see the Library Notice Board for announcements regarding books borrowed by you.

  • MAINTAIN SILENCE IN LIBRARY to avoid inconvenience to the others.

  • Books and note books must be passed through a check in the counter.

  • Members shall leave the library ten minutes before the closing time

  • Xeroxing facility from the Library material is available on payment Rs.0-50 per copy in advance and on requisition in prescribed proforma available at the counter.

  • The student borrower ceases to be a member as soon as the final examinations are over.